digital marketing

10 Things that Have Changed in Our Office This Year

We’ve all heard, “it’s the new normal” more times than we’d care to recount. But what exactly does the “new normal” look like in your personal experience?  Here are ten things that have changed in our office over the past 365 days:  Remote Work: Like many businesses, we did the WFH thing out of necessity. […]

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Take Our Hub & Spoke Model for a Spin

Is your eCommerce site providing the best user and brand experience? Mittcom employs a “hub and spoke” model that puts your website at the center of our strategy. The spokes—video, social media, email marketing, etc.—all become methods of qualifying and driving traffic. We’ll identify the right audience, right strategy, and right content to complete the

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We’re excited to welcome CJ Kaplan as Mittcom’s new Creative Director! For the past 30 years, CJ has written TV, video, branded content, web, digital, radio, print, and outdoor ads for a variety of clients ranging from Anheuser-Busch to Maimonides Jewish Day School. He’s also written several documentaries and a popular local TV show for which he received


Content Marketing in the Bottom Funnel (You Made It!)

The big goal at the funnel’s top is to make prospects aware of their problem and realize that their problem has a solution–your brand or product. Unfortunately, top funnel is where most organizations concentrate their content marketing efforts. Savvy marketers know that they can move potential customers from awareness to evaluation to purchase by putting

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